I'm Catholic and I'm bisexual
And I love that the Church both acknowledges that this is valid (as opposed to my Baptist church growing up which told me that being queer at all BS - a result of someone molesting you or a result of silly self-delusion) and ALSO calls all individuals to respect marriage, the SACRAMENT, as something God-ordained: a physical, emotional, spiritual union between one man and one woman.
I will always be attracted to (some) women. Just as I am to (some) men.
But that is not a sin.
I am not inherently evil, broken, or disgusting because of this.
I find great solace in the Church's teachings on sexuality. When viewed through the Catholic lens, sexuality itself makes SO much more sense. Marriage makes more sense. Sex makes more sense. (Praise be to God!)
I hope one day people like me can feel more open about acknowledging this element of our identity without being "cast out" from our Catholic friends and social circles...I think kids today, now more than ever, need to hear this message. But, admittedltly, I'm scared to say this in my current community.
(I also feel like the rampant hyper-sexualization of any kind of love in our culture mixed with our shame-driven treatment of the human body makes it difficult for people to be close to same sex individuals without wondering if they are harboring sexual attraction...but that's a post for a different day.)
Edit: The wide variety of responses to this post have been interesting! So I want to clarify a few things for any past or future readers.
I do not act on any sexual urges except those within the confines of my marriage to husband. Who I experience attraction to doesn't change anything! Acknowledging something is not tantamount to endorsing it.
I do not make being bisexual my "identity" - this particular assumption made by some commenters made me chuckle. I have disclosed this very small part of my existence to a few close friends and obviously my husband, and it virtually never comes up and never affects my day to day life. I agree with many of you - it isnt a big deal and shouldn't be - but I hesitate to ever mention or disclose it because of the comments and assumptions and misconceptions made by many commenters below. If I were to disclose it, treating it as the non issue it really is, I risk people accusing me of sleeping around and/or promoting the gay lifestyle and/or living in sin. Which...I'm not. Acknowledging something is not tantamount to endorsing it.
The reason I want our culture to shift it's perspective about being queer is so that teenagers and kids experiencing same sex attraction don't feel like inherently gross or sexually "broken" people. I had to struggle with debilitating shame for decades before finally finding peace within the Church's teachings (I converted 4 years ago). If we treat being queer as some gross, shameful thing, whether explicitly or implicitly, we either risk ostracizing people from the Church because they think they cannot belong here OR we teach them to hate themselves to the point that they become suicidal from shame, like I did. Treat it like the non issue it is. Don't assume queer people are hyper sexual people. Don't assume they WANT to be queer. Again:
Acknowledging something is not tantamount to endorsing it.