Is there a Catholic equivalent of an “orthobro?”

Is there? For those who don't know an Orthobro from what I gather is somebody who reads a lot about Orthodox Christianity online and claims to live by its tenants, but really is more or less just an online follower and doesn't really go to a divine liturgy. Is there a Catholic equivalent of this and is it a major problem online? Browsed the Orthodox sub red it's a bit and I've seen people who have admitted to being an Orthobro and basically confessing that they are more or less a fake or a fraud and want to do better. Is this an issue in Catholicism or at least online Catholicism? I get the feeling that in some spaces where there are more traditional Catholics especially this is a thing and I remember being kind of shocked looking at some of these spaces on other sites and even some things here on Reddit and I felt like that if people are saying this, they're not really catholic or at least not in the sense that they go to mass and receive the sacraments but I also know it's not my place to judge that. Anyways, is there a catholic equivalent of an Orthobro and are there any ways to tell or do they cause issues online or even in actual parishes in real life?