Realistically, protestants will be saved?

So in social media, especial Instagram and Twitter, I've been seeing many catholic saying it is virtually impossible for protestants to be saved as protestants had broken from the "one true Church" and would not receive salvation, and that it is absolutely necessary for protestants to submit to Rome and the Pope. Many say that the Catholic Church, as the body of Christ, is the fullest expression of christianity, with the fullness of truth and the sacraments necessary for salvation. I've also read that, as it is so difficult even for catholics to be saved, then it is safe to assume no protestants will be saved at all.

I read that, although God CAN save protestants, as far as we know, the chances of a protestant being saved are the same as a muslim, atheist or even a satanist to be saved. The problem is this is not a reassuring or comfortable answer, as it actually reduces protestants to non-christians and places protestants in a different category when discussing salvation, compared to those who do not recognize Christ as the Savior. Saying that protestants have the same chances of salvation as muslims, atheists, or pagans can forster alienation, and overlook the genuine christian faith that protestants might hold. Reducing protestants to the same category as muslims, pagans or atheists when discussing salvation is theologically problematic and insensitive as they still share the essential faith in Christ as the Savior, and might be closer to the truth in their search for God than other faiths.

Also, many explain the doctrine of Invincible Ignorance is something impossible nowadays, as Invincible Ignorance means being a christian while not being aware the Catholic Church exists or being a christian while not being aware the Catholic Church teaches it is absolutely necessary to be a Catholic and take the sacraments in order to be saved. If a protestant is told there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church and that the sacraments are absolutely necessary for salvation, but still insists on protestantism, they are not in Invincible Ignorance.

So, if you stop to see, the Catholic Church indeed teaches most of not all protestants will go to Hell. I also don't understand why Catholics often say it is easier for the orthodox to be saved than protestants, since orthodox deny the Filioque and denounce many saints protestants don't. (edit this part because the "don't understand" was missing).