Dog was put down

Hello everyone

Today I had to put my dog down. 🥺😞 He was only 4 but there was a fungus infection that was eating his brain. He started getting seizures for the first time yesterday and had multiple today.

The cost for an CT scan was way out of our budget. He looked so happy when they brought him to us because he thought he was going to go home with us. 💔

I just feel so bad and I miss him so much. My family has cried a lot today and it will definitely take time.

I hope to see him in heaven someday. I just don’t know if I will. Some people say dogs don’t go to heaven and others say they do….

The point is I miss him and I’m grieving. Any advice for my family and I? I miss his fur and his funny antics so much 💔😞🐶🪽 I miss him so much.