Not sure how to proceed after unplanned c-section

I made a post here a few months ago asking about NFP while I was still pregnant because I was concerned about having babies too close together. I got a ton of great advice and I looked into all the methods that were recommended to me and made a solid plan for after pregnancy.

Unfortunately, my pregnancy did not go as planned and I ended up needing a c-section, which I never anticipated. I labored for 36 hours with almost no progression and I was given the choice of getting an epidural and having my waters manually broken at 1cm, with the risk of needing an emergency c-section if it didn’t work, or just going ahead with the c-section. I took the latter.

Double unfortunately, I planned on exclusively breastfeeding, but my little man had a tongue tie and couldn’t latch immediately, then after it was fixed he still struggled and struggled to latch, and after multiple rounds of LC appointments we made the decision for me to pump exclusively.

All this being said, I was fully planning on utilizing an NFP method that relied on breastfeeding, which is now off the table, and I didn’t know I was going to have the medical complication of a c-section needing time to heal before I got pregnant again. What was once just a precaution is now a risk.

To be honest, I feel overwhelmed and lost. I got my period back this week at exactly a month postpartum and I’m extremely disheartened because my husband and I were really looking forward to our reunification and a prolonged waiting period makes both of us really sad. On top of that, I’m now having pretty extreme anxiety about getting pregnant again too soon and having my uterus rupture or losing a baby.

I just don’t know where to go from here.