do any of you get so mad with your cat?

i love my cat more than anything. but goddamn is it stressful. recently i’ve been so frustated with everything that my cat just gets in the way of things in the worst timing. i don’t act on it, of course. i also have another cat so yes he has a friend and dosent get bored. i try to play with him when i can but it just feels forced. i only ever have time to study and right after that i go sleep immediately because of how exhausted i am. i feel so drained but i also feel like im just making my poor cat upset because of this. he loves me more than anything and i love him just as much but when i see his adorable face and hear him purr i feel so bad knowing im just not up for playing or doing much with him.

he asks for attention a lot and will jump on my desk whenever im working which can be annoying and stressful if im trying to focus on something. i just leave the room for a few minutes and take deep breaths because i feel horrible knowing all he wants is attention and im just so worried im not a good enough owner. everything is so stressful for me. i keep reminding myself i have patience for a reason and that hes not doing any of it on purpose. please does anyone just feel like this?

eta: i worded this wrong and im sorry for that and yes i do pet my cat, all the time 🤦 seriously what are these comments sometimes