I love helping cats but hate dealing with entitled people. How to renew my passion to help cats?

I volunteer at a cat shelter. Today I got a strike from management (3 strikes and your out) because I don’t think everyone deserves cats.

Last week we got a purebred bengal came in Maxim. As expected lots of enquiries. I did the usual stuff - review the applications, reject some, get more info from some. Apparently some rejects reported me to the shelter for “unfairly mismanaged their case”.

The cases: - This guy apparently head of some big company so has to travel a lot. His reason for applying “like the look”. Looking for “low maintenance, does not require lots of attention/play time, does not scratch furniture wife just got a new couch”. Why does he even want a cat?!? And a bengal???! - This woman with a cat just passed away from a road accident so wants a cat that “does not wait for every chance to sprint out the door/chase birds etc.”. She’s also low mobility. She said I discriminated her disability and intelligence. - 2 other ones with no big red flags, but there are other applications that are more suitable. Exceptttt when I rejected them, they called to complain, saying they never got rejected before, it’s just a cat. Insisted on having a bengal. Said theyre “good people who could’ve shopped for a designer cat but decided to adopt”.

My manager’s point of view: She said I violated one of the rules of not getting the cat placed at earliest convenience (the other part of the rule is, to best suited potential adopter).

EDIT to make question more clear: Should I place the cats AS SOON AS possible, to people that are low risk of cat abuse eg. the first guy. Or hold out for a better suited family, which might potentially take away my time from other cats?