cat keeps waking me up and idk what to do
hello! i have an 8 yr old girl cat that i love dearly. she has always cuddled w me at night and basically slept in my arms. however, recently she’s gotten into the habit of staying up from 2am-6am and batting/scratching (more like poking w her claw) at me to wake me up. i don’t know what she wants, she gets fed a small bit of dry food an hour before bed and has two wet meals a day. i play with her before so she isn’t bored and i make sure she has enough water. i tried not reacting but she quite literally poking me w her sharp claws in the back and face so it’s kind of hard not to flinch. i cant send her out of my room because i have roommates who complain that she cries and wakes them up. i have gotten terrible sleep these past weeks and she doesn’t seem to be letting up. any ideas?