Moved house - cat yowling at night

We have three cats and we moved on Thursday.

I know this is a huge upheaval for them and we've tried to make the transition as easy on them as possible. They had their own room at first and we are using calming plug ins etc.

Cat no 2, our tortie Peanut, is neurotic and needy at the best of times. In the day when we're around she seems to be coping okay.

At night she does this awful, gutteral yowling on and off throughout the night, and we're steadily becoming sleep deprived and irate.

The cats have always been shut out of our room at night, in the old house they were fine with this and it was part of their routine. We don't want to invite her in and set a precedent, I also don't want to reward the awful yowling.

But what DO we do? Ride it out and hope it eventually stops?

I think it's separation anxiety but no idea how to handle this or make her feel calmer when we aren't there! Help!