Cat runs up/down stairs when I go down/up

I have a very strange cat. He usually is sweet but not very cuddly. He is pretty skittish about bags rustling or just foreign people/things etc.

He does this thing a lot where if I am coming upstairs and he is already on the second floor (or vice versa), he will wait for me to start going up and absolutely haul ass down the stairs past me like the devil is after him, often bumping into the wall and skidding on the landing. And he only does it to me really (20M). The strangest thing about it is that he acts like everything is fine after he does this. I’m honestly pretty concerned about this behavior and am unsure if he is genuinely terrified of me or what.

Today, he did the same thing except the door he usually runs into after exiting the stairwell was locked so he just stayed up there for about 5 seconds and made this series of godawful bellows like he was extremely distressed! He then ran back down the stairs past me and hid under the couch. Anyone have a similar experience or just any knowledge about this behavior that could help me out? Much appreciated in advance.

TLDR: My cat runs up/down the stairs past me when I go up/down the stairs like he is afraid for his life and I’m not sure why