I have so many questions about raising a single kitten. Please help?
We got a 4 month old kitten a few days ago who is just a total sweetheart. She doesn’t bite or scratch people, she doesn’t knock things over, she doesn’t scratch anything but her designated scratching posts, she is super open to cuddles and pets and kisses, etc. But I had some questions and noticed some things that I wanted to ask about:
How much should I play with my kitten a day? Like how many times a day, and how long should play session be? I know the answer is “a lot”, and thus far I have been playing with her for a total of 1-2 hours a day but it’s not always going to be feasible for me (for example when I have chores and errands and other human life stuff).
She was a lot more cuddlier and pretty clingy when we first brought her home, but she is already starting to seem more independent after a few days. Is this normal, or does this mean something could be wrong?
She seems to spend a lot of time on her cat tree or the windowsill looking out the window, and she honestly seems to love it. Does this count as good enrichment for my kitten? I feel guilty when I’m working or on my phone and she’s just looking out the window.
Speaking of guilt, is it normal to feel guilty when you’re not spending every minute your kitten is awake playing with her? What is normal here?
What other types of enrichment would be good for her? Thus far she seems to love those classic wand feather toys (though she seems to be less engaged with those lately) and the cat tree and looking out the window. We also have hardwood flooring, and she loves when I toss little treats, which slide across the floor. She chases them, plays with it for a bit and then eats it. OTOH, we tried plushies and remote controlled mouse toys and she doesn’t seem to care at all.
How much can I expect her personality to change over the next few months? I’m scared when I read about how there’s still time for her to become “maladjusted” on Reddit.
How do I know if she’s happy, or if I’m doing right by her?
Sorry for all the questions, if you got this far I appreciate the time you to read and answer.