i’m being cheated on by my cat

ok. so this may make me sound crazy but hear me out.

i am currently at college and rooming with my best friend. me and her both agreed it was ok for me to bring my cat of 7 years as she is my ESA and incredibly important to me. her name is clementine so im gonna call her clem. clem has cuddled with me every night for 7 years. i clean her litter, feed her everyday, brush her every other day and play with her. my best friend doesn’t do anything for her which is fine and totally expected. it just makes what’s happened recently pretty confusing. clem has suddenly started exclusively cuddling with my friend. she never cuddled with her up until maybe two weeks ago but she and my friend have been inseparable. at first i was like awwww so sweet. but now im low key jealous like sad cause she’s my cat? is this normal to feel and is there a reason for this? i may seem crazy lol