Will my symptoms get worse?

I’m finally looking into adopting a cat however I am allergic to them. Not sure of the severity tho.. I think I’ve noticed that in a relatively clean home, as long as I’m not too close to the cat, I’m okay. Otherwise, if there’s cat hair stuck everywhere, I’ll start feeling it pretty quickly.

I’ve been looking into the hypoallergenic ones and reading a lot for 2 years now but I’ve never really went for it as they are also on the expensive side. This week, I’ve made my mind and contacted few breeders. Fell in love with a little Bengal one through the picture and I went to visit her today with the intention of testing my allergy symptoms. It was my first time ever being so close to a cat/kitten, having them on me and everything. I didn’t grow up with any pets so I was quite nervous for many reasons.

Initially, I wasn’t suppose to get inside the breeders home as they don’t want outsiders to affect the health of their kittens but it started pouring cats and dogs halfway on our way there. So exceptionally, they made us get inside. With 5 kids and 3-4 cats and kittens in their home, i was really scared to test my allergy in a home that’s filled with cat allergens but since I had no choice, I went along. I had the kitten on me for a good 35-40 minutes, put it on the top of my chest where I had some skin showing, put my face very close and pet him for a long time. Towards the end, I felt a slight tingle in my throat and a very faint runny nose. Once we left (without the cat), in the car, my throat scratched a bit but it all subsided within 15 minutes of leaving the breeders home.

What I’m wondering right now is do you guys think my allergy symptoms can get worse if I actually live with it ? Or the fact that I played with it on me for 40 mins shows that there is hope and that I can eventually get used to the little Bengal I visited today?