What is a song that left y'all shocked with amazement after listening to it?

I must give credit to this post for partially inspiring this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualConversation/comments/1jfxiip/what_is_everyones_favorite_go_to_song/

So the other day, while I was wandering down the nature trail, I was looking for a song to listen to on my phone, and that's when I stumbled across a song by post-rock band Sigur Rós called "Ný batterí." Out of curiosity, I decided to listen to it and from the first note until the last, I was mind blown at how incredible this song was. Everything about this song (from the ambient vibe throughout the song, to Jónsi's breathtaking vocal performance, to the erupting crescendo near the end) brought my soul into a state of constant tranquility and euphoria. Definitely going to listen to more of their discography in the future!