In my opinion, the reason why aliens have never visited us because space travel does not work the same way it does in science fiction

Look, I’m not a scientist nowhere near one, but if there is scientists or engineers reading this, feel free to debunk Anything I get wrong. But I read somewhere that nothing with mass can reach the speed of light, and with just how big our galaxy is alone it would probably take years to even go to a different solar system. I don’t think the laws of physics will stop applying to you just because you’re an extraterrestrial. And even though I think there is other life than our own in this universe, what makes you think we’re close enough to each other to make contact? I don’t even think aliens visited other aliens unless they live in the same solar system. to find the nearest life I imagine you would have to travel several several systems away. And even then the life you find might not be sentient. You could find a planet populated with alien animals having the same intelligence as your dog…. Anyway. This thought has been stuck on my mind and I wanted to share it.