A science experiment where a man's head was put onto a monkey

Ok when I was a kid my dad and I were talking about science and he brought up a guy who supposedly was the first man to have a head transplant operation and I don't remember what was wrong with him or why he needed it but there were a few pictures of it, it looked like it was a long time ago because it was in black and white, the picture scared me bad he was in a wheelchair and you could see the fur sticking out through his shirt my Dad found an article of this and when I went back to look at the article later you had to scroll further down into google when you searched it but years later I try to look it up and I cannot find the picture, article or even a mention of it and it's making me feel like I'm crazy lol.

I don't think it was real but as a kid I did, I always like to look back on things that scared me as a kid and this was one of them I'm not sure if it was an art project, from a horror movie that maybe got lost but I was wondering if anyone knew what I was talking about? It's made me more curious knowing how hard it is to find it now.