For all my readers - what got you into it?
For me, it was a mix of school and my mom. She used to take us to the library every single weekend and always told us we had to read for 30 mins after school before we could go outside and play.
At school, my elm teachers would promise us a pizza party if the class read a certain number of books (independently) then we would take an AR test on our respective books. If we reached a certain number, we got pizza
I remember being soooooooo driven by this, i loved reading in general but this made me do it more (we never ate out as a kid, so the promise of pizza hut was literally everything to me lol)
and dont get me started on the scholastic book fair!!!!
Anyway, that was the foundation for my love of reading as a hobby!
It’s funny because school reinforced my love for reading but college took it away 😂 because i’d be sooo slammed that i could barely read a book for fun. Now that i’m done, ive been so happy to read for fun again!