Having your own space really makes such a difference.

If you read any of my previous posts, you'd know already that I recently moved into my own place. It's a cute little apartment, a big living room, bedroom, a little kitchen and bathroom with a bathtub. I had to buy all new furniture because this is the first time, so I own my bed and sofa and shelves and whatnot and whatelse. And generally in life so far, I'm always struggling with weird skin and constant stress. I just assumed it was because of work or university or whatever.

What I realise now is that I never had a safe space to wind down. While living with my parents, I didn't have my own room or anything. And in all the shared apartments I stayed in as a student, I had my room, yes but the rest of the house was fair game for the others' habits.

But now, when I get home after work, I realise I can actually relax. I can keep the house as clean as I want. I can leave a bowl of almonds on the kitchen counter and no one will eat them. I don't have to wear a bra if I don't want. I can walk around in my underwear because no one will come over without my invitation. I can blow dry my hair at 11PM without bothering anyone's sleep. I can work out when I feel like and I have the space for it too. The apartment is as clean as I like it and smells like I want it. I can cook what I want and eat what I want and sit wherever I want. I can put my feet on the coffee table because I own it. I can lie on the floor with my feet on the sofa because I fucking own it!

I'm so happy. And I am visibly more calm and peaceful. I approach problems in a more rational manner. I'm not constantly stressed or on edge. I remember I used to nibble on my nails a lot, I used to twist my hair, shake my legs when I sit. My schedule is my own and no one else's. When I lived with my parents, I had little control over what I did, when I did it, what I ate, etc. I always felt answerable to someone. Not anymore.

My skin is so healthy now. I'm always moisturised. I can put on a face mask whenever I like! My thoughts are not on the same train hahaha.

If you read this far, thank you and have a nice day! :)