Bans incoming. All users, please read all of this.

We are no longer going to be permitting most versions of the following post types: Favorite songs posts, single one off posts stating an opinion, tier lists, theory posts where you dont elaborate to an extreme degree, or anything that even slightly appears to be low effort.

Now, understand, as per usual, all post types are allowed IF a high level of effort went into them. OR if you make it a discussion. This cant be low effort either. All discussions must be high quality and worthy of being on this page.

Expect your post to be taken down if you believe you'll have trouble fitting this mould. Its better if you dont even try if all you have is low tier garbage. It may not be removed immediately but the second I see low effort posts or repetitive posts I will be removing them on the spot going forward.

In short, CartiCulture is going back to regular scheduled programming.

If your low effort is especially egregious such as directly violating examples I gave in this post, you will be banned.

It's high time to plug this hole we've allowed since the album came out. We gave more than enough time to share opinions. Its time to get back into shape.

EDIT: Dont get the wrong idea. Im not saying it has to be some grand post with cited sources. We just require more than you typing a single sentence that popped into your head, and then posting that. We want higher effort. Make it a discussion, or go into detail about your thought. Its not that hard. You can just look at older posts to get an idea. For all usual members, nothing has changed. It'll be the same as last week 👍

Thank you for reading 💜