Abarth 695 and Lemon Laws

Hi guys, first time posting on Reddit ever.

I purchased an Abarth 695 around this time last year and it's been such a fun car to own that I've overlooked all the creeping issues that have been popping up.

A bit of a long post, but here's the issues I've experienced:

Ever since purchasing the Abarth, I have noticed that it has a poor idle and sometimes hesitates to start.

I have taken it to Ferrari Sydney in Waterloo two or three times to seek some assistance however they are very dismissive of the issue and are blaming me for using premium fuels in the vehicle (?).

I have now had a compression test done independently on the engine and the engine has failed. I have attached a report and images.

One shock absorber has also failed and there are a multitude of broken plastic connectors in the engine bay.

The vehicle also often fails to engage reverse without grinding and frequently jumps out of reverse while reversing.

It sometimes 'misses' second gear where I will be changing from 1st to 2nd with the clutch pedal fully engaged (pressed all the way to the floor) and it will not engage second gear. I have to give up and pump the clutch to avoid damage to the gears. This creates a dangerous situation in traffic. This does not happen extremely frequently, but enough to be cause for concern.

And finally, I am frequently having to top up brake fluid on the vehicle for some strange reason. Ferrari and my own mechanic have investigated the car for a leak but did not find one.

My car definitely needs a new engine and it could be argued there is damage to gearbox through it's own defectiveness. I guess my question is, I know the lemon laws are pretty loose, but once this car goes back to the dealer, how far do I push it?

I'd prefer them to just pay me out what I paid for the car just over a year ago and I'll buy something different as this is not an acceptable amount of problems for a new car. I mean, I know it's Italian, but this is not good at all.