Mr. Beef?
Trying to find any confirmation that Carl's Jr. once had an ad campaign featuring a spokesperson named "Mr. Beef" at some point in the 90s. I can't find any visual or video evidence and google just wants to tell me about the Mr. Beef in Chicago (whose founder, confusingly, was a Carl Bonavolanto Jr.)
This blog entry describes the general ad and is the only solid reference I can seem to find, and conforms to my own memories of the ads:
I can’t find anything about it but I recall one campaign featuring a character called “Mr. Beef.” The dude was muscular and spoke of himself in the third person. Wearing a black shirt that read “Mr. Beef” across the front in white, he would sarcastically read and address “letters” that customers sent to him. The end of each commercial featured a smiling Carl Karcher offering words of wisdom to the letter-writer.
Mr. Beef: And remember, Neil. (Points to camera) Mr. Beef knows where you live. Karcher: Watch out, Neil!