tires coming loose every time i get in the car- 2015 hyundai sonata

i got my winter tires put on mid december, up until 3 days ago everything was fine. then when i got the other day it was shaking the whole car real bad, so i pulled over and grabbed the torque wrench that came with the car and was putting my body weight on it through my foot, it would turn quite a bit. i felt unsafe enough that i called my local hyundai yesterday evening and asked them to torque it to make sure it was ‘proper’. this morning i got in the car and it was shaking again, so i torqued it more. this afternoon i torqued it before leaving work and stopped 5 minutes down the road for gas. i thought id just check there to make sure all was good, sure enough when i put my body weight, the wrench would do almost a complete half turn. can anyone help with this? i’m genuinely terrified a tire is going to fly off before my appointment next tuesday ( soonest they could get me in:/)