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I am in my day off , so i wanted to make a fanmade kit for capi.


Name: Il Capitano / Thrain

Affiliation : Snezhnaya / khaenri'ah

Meca heart : FrostMoon Cryo

Constellation : archangelus finalitatis


"When "She" shall command , He will return. Leading "them" to their long destinated victory ... And only then ... the Old Knight of the eclipse kingdom will unveil the ...  ...  potentials he once had"

Dainsleif -the twilight sword-

"Thrain ? The sentinel knight ? I assigned him personally to lead the central front lines and then to retreat to the Western troop. A formidable man of absolute Honor and Supreme Sovereignty. Neglected his heart potential to absorbs The Heavenly-defying powers to help his comrade's souls in the direst moments, What a Magnificent Warrior..."

Anfortas -Marshal regent of khaenri'ah-


-A cursed legendary hero from a long lost kingdom , currently known as Il Capitano -the captain- and the first of the fatui harbingers , he is also known as that noble soul who held the burden of the rejected and defied the heavenly order of this world.-


Theme : Frostbound Oath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHQN52hKQzQ


Role : Main dps

Meca heart : FrostMoon Cryo

Constellation : archangelus finalitatis

CR% scaling ascension

Before we start :

Frost Moon cryo : Capi special mechanic, resolve around cryo reactions :

R-Melt : Bonus dmg, Res-buff (20%) and increase atk speed by 15%

Freeze : Slow Mov and Atk speed of enemies (bosses included) by 20%

Superconduct : ignore 40% of enemies phys res

Normal attack -absolute honor-

Capitano launchs 5 consecutive strike dealing physical dmg on enemies

CA : Capitano charge his sword and ram into enemies , dealing 1 instance of physical dmg

holding CA will activate the special state "Knight's Pride"

Knight's Pride : engulfs capitano in a dark aura , removing half of his mask and creating an arch-angelic halo above his head , allowing him to fly freely and sprint while flying

the special state will never diminish outside combat, while in combat, the special state will disappear after reaching 15% of max stamina

Elemental skill : "Commander's Gambit"

skill have 2 usage

Create the Terminal bar, (Cap at 100 point), automatically charge by 2 points every sec and when performing combo

Capitano infuse his sword with cryo element , and activates a new sets of combo attacks

1st Combo : surging Glory :

NA > Hold CA > NA (finishing hit)

1st NA : capitano swings his sword upward and then charges dealing cryo dmg

Hold CA : capitano dashes towards enemies weak point and thrusting his sword in it dealing cryo dmg and applying corrosion on hit enemies

Finishing hit (2nd NA) : Capitano send a huge dark cryo wave in his sword, making it explode ,dealing cryo dmg , paralyzing enemies , increasing the duration and dmg of corrosion effect and applying cryo res shred of 10%

instantly drains 25% of capi's health

Gain 25 Terminal points

2nd Combo : tarnished honor :

CA > Jump > NA

CA : capitano creates abyssal chains that draw enemies to him , sealing them and, dealing cryo dmg and applying corrosion

corrosion dmg increase by 5% until reaching 25%

if the chains hits a boss enemies , it draws capitano to the boss and thrust sword

Jump : capitano perform an upward thrust and leaps into the air , dealing cryo dmg

capitano stays in the air for 4 sec

NA (finishing hit) : capitano manifest all his might and power into a single hit , doing plunge atk and shaking the earth while summoning a huge cryo beam from beneath the earth (beam's size is equal the benny brust) ,dealing continuous cryo dmg and creating an hazard zone

instantly drain 20% of capitano's health in the process

Gain 30 Terminal bar

enemies in hazard zone will enhance the seal's effect , increasing the corrosion dmg by 15% and restore 30% of total corrosion dmg dealt to capitano health

3rd Combo : Cursed justice :

skill 2nd usage > CA > NA

skill : Capitano creats 3 portals behinds him , summoning 3 FrostMoon Hydra's head (with khaenri'ah motifs) , waiting for his command , if there's a boss/elite enemies in field , creates another huge portal , summoning an khaenri'ahn dragon , waiting for capi's command

CA : capitano point his sword forward , ordering the abyssal hydras' head to target enemies

each abyssal Hydra's head targets the enemy with the highest HP or the enemy nearest to capitano

the dragon will target the boss/elite enemy

NA (finishing hit) : capitano swings his sword violently , ordering the summons to atk

instantly drains 25% of capitano health (40% if the dragon is summoned)

Hydra's heads will thrust in enemies and devours them , dealing 3 instance of cryo dmg (each head) to them and restoring 2.5% of capi's max HP in each atk and disappear

Dragon summon will scream , shred with his claws then launch a beam of cryo dmg on the boss enemy , calms down and return to capi to pet him on the head and disappear

enemies hit will suffer from 30% cryo res shred and corrosion

Gain 30 Terminal points

effects from combo's stacks

Elemental brust : Finality

1/ When Terminal bar have 50>= points

Capitano murmurs "Thee Glory... Old Kingdom", summoning in a radius of 1.5 of Nahida burst radius the sea of inteyvat flowers

the brust dmg will take effect in a radius equal to arlecchino burst radius

capi destroy 1/4 of his masks and his right eye shines with blue color then he summons the Antumbra, burning down all the flowers and then shatter the Antumbra, dealing 1 instance of cryo dmg

2/ When Terminal bar have >50 points

Capitano further summon his Angelic Wings and halo around his head (that datamined big mask), further widening his Burst AoE and increasing it's dmg


P1 "Code of Honor": when cap get hit or drains his health via combo , enters Honor's wrath , increasing his NA , CA , skill and brust dmg by 10%

when capi is onfield , gain cryo dmg bonus of 40% , and lose the abilities to heal from sources outside his kit.

Additionally , Capitano will not die after his health reach 0% , but will regen to 100%, lose all Energy , suffer from 30% dmg decrease , Cr and Cd states will decrease respectively by 40% and 60% , atk by flat 500 , max health by flat 5000 , cryo dmg decrease by 40% and only the brust can clear all these debuff

these debuff stacks

when capitano health reach 25% , automatically regen health by 5% until 100% , with a 1.5 sec between each heal

P2 : +1 combo special hit for finishing hits to all combo sets

1st combo set : capitano summon a Frost Moon gauntlet and punch his enemy in his weak point dealing cryo dmg and further increasing all debuff applied on the enemy by 7.5%

2nd combo : capitano summon FrostMoon spike under all sealed enemies dealing cryo dmg to them and draining their health to heal capitano

3rd combo : Hydra's head will shoot laser at their targeted enemies before dashing toward them

P3: increase cap max stamina by 25%. While cooking "cup of cappuccino" , there's a chance of 20% to create a specialty dish "inteyvat cup of cappuccino with added cinnamon"

when using the specialty dish on capitano , it will activate a cutscene of capitano enjoying his holiday's evening in a professionally made Snezhnayan throne, and him gazing in the horizon while remembering his lost homeland \s

Constellation : Archangelus finalitatis :

1/Thee glory ... O noble soul :

when using skill , increase dmg of Combo hits by 10% , their Cd by 40% and Cr by 20%

further more , casting skill activate "Honor's wrath" state with a cooldown of 6 sec and all combo hit applies corrosion but it will slowly diminish (diminish value increase with time from 5%--->10%) after 6 sec

2/Bane of a thousand tormenting souls :

add a new combo set "Banished souls of old" , only activated after unlocking the P2

Hold CA > NA > CA (finishing hit)

Hold CA : capi manifest all the souls he held in his body , and shapes them as a claymore while swinging it with one hand and creating a rift in space-time

NA : Capitano leap forward and do a heavy hit to the nearest enemies , liberating some of concentrated soul to haunt the enemies , enemies haunted will suffer from disorientation for 3 sec, changing randomly all their mouvement and attack directions and patterns .

CA : capitano will thrust his claymore with both hand in earth , creating a shock wave that will bring all the liberated souls back to his body , grouping enemies in the process

NA (bonus combo from P2) : enraged souls will try to leave capitano body, so they leap forward in a form of a vortex, tormenting enemies and dealing cryo dmg in the process

drains 30% of capitano's health in the process

3/ Legendary hero of the lost kingdom :

increase skill's talent lvl by 3 , max talent lvl up is now 15

4/Curse of the demon lords :

lower all debuffs values that Capitano suffers from after his health reach 0%

lose all Energy , suffer from 10% dmg decrease , Cr and Cd states will decrease respectively by 10% and 15% , atk by flat 100 , max health by flat 1250 , cryo dmg decrease by 5% and only the brust can clear all these debuff

5/O lost homeland ... what sin did you commit :

increase brust's talent lvl by 3 , max talent lvl up is now 15

6/The loving demon , the lone fool and the sentinel :

Capitano brust radius will increase to 60m and the brust Aoe to 25m

further more , capitano enhance his Combos , shredding with every combo hit enemies cryo res by 7.5% and allow the combo hits to super crit

super crit rate value is counted when max crit >%100 crit

super crit dmg is counted like : regular crit dmg value *1.5