What comes next for our fellow Capitano mains?

Friends, comrades, it has been saddening to see just how far our subreddit has devolved into something unrecognizable. Some bad actors have reared their heads and threw things into disarray with the latest faked information. Fake information can be done in a tasteful matter if it's aim is to be a joke. Something that’s visibly and obviously outlandish that will never occur can get a good laugh out of anyone — But when things are so tense, it’s as though throwing a gas cylinder into an open flame when executed poorly.

Now here’s the question:

“Where do we go from here?”

1.) Wait patiently for the 5.6 beta. I would not risk consuming any possible misinformation after this breach of trust.

2.) Handle discussions with respect on both ends of the argument, believer or not.

3.) Spamming things in the comments or even other mains subs such as “5.6 5.6 5.6, I hate all the other female characters!!!” will not make Hoyoverse magically listen to us. All it’s doing is worsening the atmosphere for everyone involved. We’re becoming more or less a cult than an actual community.

4.) TEMPER YOUR EXPECTATIONS. PLEASE. It wouldn’t hurt to be slightly optimistic, but it wouldn’t hurt to be ready for the worst. We know next to nothing about Hoyoverse’s roadmap with their characters, they can throw anything at us at this point.

5.) Perhaps find other hobbies, games, or interests to pass the time. March 26 or 27 (?) is still two weeks away. Trust me, nothing good ever comes out of hyperfixation. It can make you tense and anxious far too much.


Wait for the 5.6 Beta. Spamming is unnecessary, it’s just annoying. Temper your expectations. Have a good timezone, everyone!