I have some questions that's been bugging my mind regarding HIM'S return.

I know we all here hope and pray that he'll be playable and come back. (Which trust me there hasn't been a single day for me where i didn't pray since that AWFUL, DESPICABLE day.)

My questions however are in regards to this;

- If he comes back (pls do my sanity is in shambles), what'll happen to the body on the throne that is now a game mechanic, can they replace a game mechanic with an alternative later-on once he returns to his body?

-How will they execute such an important event in a story quest? (unless if we get an interlude which from what i know is also fitting for some big stuff to happen.)

-What would we do to obtain the pyro cons if the throne gets empty since we get them from Capitano HIMself atm? Would we like pray to the empty throne or something? (or perhaps we could get them directly from the LOTN who could appear whenever we interract with the throne (ngl i just thought of it and it might do the trick actually which would also give her an excuse to be present in the map LOL) )

Nevertheless, I do firmly believe that he'll return, it's just that i've been curious about this particular thing for so long now and wanted to hear other ppl's opinions, don't take it as a discouragement.