Do I have esophageal candidiasis?

I made an appointment to see an ENT specialist but the appointment is until 5/29. I wanna hear about everyone thoughts and experience to see if I have esophageal candidiasis or not. My symptom right now is I have white tongue (coated form, not like cottage-cheese form), tingling feeling at end of the tongue, difficult swallowing, something stuck in the throat feeling, sometimes when I eat, the larynx/trachea area feel tight as you eat and also slight difficult to breathe, sometime feel nausea and have abdomen pain. I finished a triple therapy one month ago for treatment of H pylori. I did a breathe test and it came back negative. My GI doctor recommend me to take another 2 week of PPI (Pantoprazole) to make sure the ulcer in my stomach is heal. I also taking sucralfate (Carafarte) med to speed up the healing for 2 weeks too. Right now my only concern is the throat since it bothering me the most. It gives me the feeling of not want to eat so much or loss of appetite sometime. I also taking probiotic supplements (mostly 60 CFU and has 10 strains). Base on the information, whats the chance I might have esophageal candidiasis? Anyone experience these symptoms and have it fixed?