The Other Issues
As a carrier, I would love to get a cost of living increase but that is not the most important issue to have addressed.
You really can't understand what we do until you have walked 20 - 30 km on our shoes. A picture is worth a thousand words so... I'll share a few photos of things I was safe enough to take pictures of.
I did not take photos of the men who have threatened to rape and/or kill me, the toddler and baby I found lost and crying in the freezing rain, cockroaches, snarling loose dogs and raging meth heads. This doesn't happen every day but some carriers have to deal with it often.
It's the job. If this is what it takes to get your parcels out to you, don't we earn our living wages? Why should they go to a failing CEO instead of the people who do the work. Better assignments come with seniority but there is no reason carriers should be out in these neighbourhoods after dark with a truck full of merchandise.