I've wonder why this game has such a low playerbase. I have a suggestion (for the devs)

First of all, this game is GREAT, and i love it! This game deservs much more attanction.

The biggest problem:

The game has 68 operators atm. For a begginner, this number is overwhelming, i get it. To start to make "builds", and enjoy the game, the player have to reach AT LEAST lvl 12 with the characters she/he loves. That is tons of credits. I spent around 2-300 euros for this game (maybe more), bought every single special offer (which give you the operators) etc, and i just had all the operators after 8 months of gameplay...THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!! i have 37 lvl 12 operators, and the rest of them lvl 8/lvl 10.

How can the devs expect the ppl to stick with this game, if the players have to spend SO MUCH time to reach the peak of the game???? Ofc many ppl will leave around lvl 20-40! Lvling up an operator is a nightmare also - credits wise.

The solution:

I understand that the devs need the income, but there is a SOLUTION, the new "Game pass" - or call it however you want.

You can leave the game like this. Most of the ppl will leave before they hit lvl 40, and you'll get really low income, OR:

Make an offer for 60 dollars/euros! For 60 dollars (a full game price), you could sell the "Gam pass" which would contain all the starter operators. This starter pack would contain every SINGLE operator which wasn't the part of any battlepass. For example, BOPE, CST, Jiaolong, etc. would NOT be in this starter pack ofc. In this way, the palyer would get around 40 or more operators at the start.

Ofc the starter pack would contain 2.100.000 credits aswell! This way the player could lvl up 5 operators to lvl 15 if they want to...

This way, the players would have motivation to play, and motivaton to spend even more in the future. Not everyone is like me, who spends hundreds of euros for an almost dead game. Increase the playerbase with this kind of method!

Make "addons" just like in R6, for example, "CST addon" for 20-30 euros contains every single CST operators for that price with skins or something...anything..


Dear devs, just watch your statistics. The avarage playerbase every single day is around 2.2k. I met new players almost every single day...lvl 1, lvl 10, lvl 20, but most of them leave the game, bc of the endless farm to reach something. If you would give more to the playerbase, more ppl would stuck with this game. Caliber is awsome, but it is really hard to reach goals, i bet you would get more money with the "Game pass" i suggested up there, and more ppl would spend their money for this game, instead of leaving it. Ofc "free to play" players still could enjoy the game just like they are enjoying it right now, but those hard core players who playing this game for free will not pay your bills...just think about it.