The magazine capacity bill, written to RAISE the limit from 10 to 15, has passed the Public Safety and Security Committee! This is a HUGE step in the right direction in moving the needle back toward freedom.

While CCDL advocates for the return of STANDARD CAPACITY magazines, we celebrate the work of over 1,200 CCDL members who submitted written testimony in support of the proposal.    This is the DIRECT RESULT of your activism! For many members this was your first time submitting testimony, and you now know how easy it is to stand out as a 2A activist.

Let's keep the momentum going! Thank you for your support, CTguns 💪💪💪

The magazine capacity bill, written to RAISE the limit from 10 to 15, has passed the Public Safety and Security Committee! This is a HUGE step in the right direction in moving the needle back toward freedom.

While CCDL advocates for the return of STANDARD CAPACITY magazines, we celebrate the work of over 1,200 CCDL members who submitted written testimony in support of the proposal.    This is the DIRECT RESULT of your activism! For many members this was your first time submitting testimony, and you now know how easy it is to stand out as a 2A activist.

Let's keep the momentum going! Thank you for your support, CTguns 💪💪💪