Won Petah's Camaro without leaving 475pp bracket

Upgrades: S6 nitro and tires, S5 transmission, rest stock, all fully fused

Tuning: 188/4.0; 2.38; 52/48

The above two parameters are untouched all throughout tempest 3

Speedtraps: does 190+mph if nitrous is used on 3rd and not shifting to 5th

Sprints: 1st gear is exactly 60mph, does <2.0 0-60 if launched at 6000rpm (needle drop) then immediately nitrous. 2nd gear is 103mph, same launch but shift to 2nd at 20mph + nitrous and it does <3.4 0-100mph

BTW, I encountered the starting line bug whenever I raced against Petah.

Upgrades: S6 nitro and tires, S5 transmission, rest stock, all fully fused

Tuning: 188/4.0; 2.38; 52/48

The above two parameters are untouched all throughout tempest 3

Speedtraps: does 190+mph if nitrous is used on 3rd and not shifting to 5th

Sprints: 1st gear is exactly 60mph, does <2.0 0-60 if launched at 6000rpm (needle drop) then immediately nitrous. 2nd gear is 103mph, same launch but shift to 2nd at 20mph + nitrous and it does <3.4 0-100mph

BTW, I encountered the starting line bug whenever I raced against Petah.