Fan ideas for Tempe5t 4

As of January 2025, the community has lost hope in there ever being a Tempe5t 4. So here’s my ‘fan idea’ -


Altay has become obsessed with your rising fame and dominance on the street racing scene, as well as being jealous of your extensive garages of exotic cars. In his rage, he kidnaps Jess and Izzy, demanding a $20 million Tempe5t 4 Elite Licence fee upfront to challenge him and his new crew on the streets. There he plans to humiliate you with a series of highly modified and upgraded cars.

Additional Challenges:

Tier 5 requires the use of Elite Tuner cars for both the license and the actual races.

The final race for each tier’s boss car will require you to have a near fully maxed car. The final Tier 5 boss car will be a fully maxed McLaren F1 LM in white.

With Jess and Izzy being held hostage, you lose access to restoring Legend cars and the ability to strip cars for parts, until Tempe5t 4 is completed