Credit Myth #52 - "Pay in full" means to pay your current balance to $0.
Credit cards can seem confusing at times to someone starting out, as there are more numbers on your monthly statement than seem to be necessary. You've got your minimum payment requirement, your statement balance, and your current balance.
One mistake I see people make is thinking that to "pay in full" monthly they need to pay their card off (to $0) by paying their current balance rather than their statement balance. When it comes to credit cards, your statement balance is your bill. That's the number you're supposed to pay, and paying your statement balance is what constitutes "paying in full." You never pay a penny of interest when you pay your statement balances in full monthly. We often refer to this as the golden rule of credit cards. Follow that simple rule and you'll never get yourself into financial trouble.
Your current balance in excess of your statement balance includes charges that haven't yet landed on your statement. Since they haven't been billed, you don't need to pay them. The best way to think of it is like a utility bill - electric for example. When your electric bill statement generates, it's for a one-month period of usage. You've got (say) 3 weeks before the due date. During those 3 weeks, you continue to use electricity. This doesn't mean you're supposed to pay more than the number seen on your statement though. The electricity you use during those ~3 weeks will simply turn into charges added to your next statement, due over a month away. You aren't supposed to pay for anything you haven't been billed for yet.
Consider your credit cards the same exact way you would the electric bill in the example above. If your statement balance is $300, pay no more (and no less) than that $300. If your current balance is $500 by the time your due date arrives, you still pay $300. That additional $200 will become part of your next statement balance and should be paid the following month.
We see this a lot when talking credit limit increases. Someone may say that they "always pay in full monthly" and can't figure out why they keep getting denied for a CLI. In talking to them more, you find that they're paying their card to $0 each cycle, thus always reporting $0 balances to the bureaus. When issuers see tiny or non-existent statement balances, they see little reason to grant you a CLI relative to allowing your natural statement balances to report monthly. When you pay your statement balances in full, not your current balances, you don't create a problem of tiny or $0 reported balances.
Hopefully this provides a bit more clarity as to what "pay in full" means when talking credit cards, as the language can definitely be confusing.