Sued by Capital One

Hello, this is my first time posting here so bare with me please. Im currently 25 and live in Georgia. A few years ago i got 2 capital one cards in the amounts of $2k and $10k. I was working and only made $15 an hour and was ablemto make my payments at first, then hours got cut and i wasn’t able to make continuous payments. Long story short, both cards got charged off and my card for $2k ended up being $4k with interest. I got sent off to collections and i am in the process of being sued for them. But, I am still making payments on my $10k card through capital one.

The collectors want me to pay $236 a month in order to avoid the suit being processed but I am unable to pay that. I only make $17 an hour and i already have to pay heafty expenses such as $250 for my car note and $350 for my car insurance (which is the lowest offer i can get). I cant even get approved for anything like a balance transfer card and im not entirely sure what to do now. I cant afford to potentially have my wages garnished. What should I do?

Update: They filed the lawsuit on 11/01 and I’ve been served the papers. Now I have to file an answer and attend a hearing soon.