Reddit is weirdly helping me. Anyone else experience this?

This is a weird one. Has anyone else had this experience of reddit helping you? I only go to a few subreddits, all surrounding my trauma and mental health conditions. My memory is a mess, and I am still deeply conditioned. Going to the subreddits and reflecting on my experiences, having people I can ask like "Hey did this happen to you, too?" has helped me both remember things and realize certain things aren't normal. I started writing them down in a big document before I commented/posted.

I thought I was posting/commenting too much (like 5ish comments per day average over a week), so I decided to delete my Reddit. But then I went to therapy and realized that it had been helping me because I had things I was able to talk to her about that helped her help me better. I was getting things out there that I never talked about before. I was remembering things. I was rethinking things. So I remade my reddit account.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.