Has anyone hated themselves since they were young?
I am so tired. I am so angry. I am so tired of being so angry.
I have hated myself since I was at least 11, but it might have been earlier. When I was 11 I started experiencing severe depression and suicidal ideation.
It doesn’t matter how much I do, how legitimately proud of myself I can be, how hard I work to process everything—I can’t seem to escape this.
I am doing equine therapy, and last Saturday I ended up unexpectedly breaking down. Of course I was angry that I allowed myself to do that. I really am up for doing the work and healing, and I have been for years. I really thought I was doing well—but I didn’t quite realize how that deep down, this hatred and anger was still lingering.
The equine specialist said I was “told to hate myself”—but honestly? It’s not true. At least at the beginning.
My mom had BPD and caused me trauma, but she was very encouraging when I was young, and the big stuff didn’t really start until I was like 13. I went through a really bad intimate partner betrayal and divorce at 30 that shattered me, but my ex was simply propping up the tattered person underneath.
I was also just diagnosed with ASD last year at 35 and ADHD at 33. So that definitely has played a role in my life and trauma, but again, this feeling I’m talking about started so early.
Has anyone else hated themselves for forever with no apparent cause? Maybe this is just a symptom of depression or anxiety? Or ND? (I am currently diagnosed GAD, PDD, AuDHD, CPTSD.)
I’m just so angry and I wake up every day with little motivation and wanting to just go back to bed. Even when I get stuff done, am “productive,” there is this burning anger and discontent underneath. I feel like an angry ghost.
Thank you for sharing if you feel similar. I’m trying to have a good life nonetheless.