Anyone doing okay after an avoidant breaks up with you?

I was blindsided by my ex and she left me (days before our 5 year anniversary, the 1 year anniversary of my mom's death, and the day after we were looking at engagement rings) by saying she wanted to visit her family for a few days and she never came home.

My therapist believes I somehow built a secure attachment in the relationship even though my partner was avoidant ( I didnt know this at the time).

I feel that those 5 years were the best of my existence and the way things ended opened up every trauma wound I had.

I had to completely start my life over again from scratch by moving, finding a job and finding a new support system. I currently still only have my therapist to talk to since I can't find the will to make real connections anymore.

It's been almost a year and I'm still in therapy with daily crashes from grief and loneliness.

Someone please tell me something similar has happened to you and there is light at the end of the tunnel? Or maybe if someone could just share words of encouragement it might help too.