Something I noticed- living vicariously through others
I moved out almost a year ago, and I’ve been feeling really lonely for a while. But during this time I’ve had the chance to consider habits of mine I’ve accumulated over the years, some of which stemming from childhood neglect or the way I was raised.
I noticed something I realized I’ve been trying to put into words for a while.
I’ve a habit of living vicariously through others, and using those experiences as a distraction (or direction) from my own circumstances.
I obsess over media. TV shows, movies, comics, fanfiction, where I latch onto a certain character and put them in every scenario I can to experience things in their life instead of mine. I have support through side characters, I heal and hurt as they do, and the important thing is that it always ends up being okay.
I look at stories of people in real life achieving things I haven’t and feel the jealousy or envy, while also feeling happy for them. Things like goals I had/have or milestones in relationships. I look at people simply touching each other- platonically, romantically, doesn’t matter, and while I still feel intense envy and longing for that kind of connection myself, it also feels like I’ve given up.
It has to be enough that it’s not me. Someone else can have it and I can watch them have it instead. Life is beautiful and I can cherish it- just not as it pertains to me. Just how it interacts with others.
God it hurts. I exist both inside and outside of myself, looking out at everyone else and taking everyone else in while being so disconnected from myself and my own body that my only option is to experience things how other people experience them.
This extends to socialization as well. I’m a pushover and a chameleon to a certain extent- if someone around me expresses a certain opinion I switch to match their energy before I’ve even had a chance to come up with my own opinion on the same topic. I take my cues from everyone else- I can never just be me. Both as a self defense mechanism and because I feel the need to safeguard someone else’s experiences.
God I’m a mess. The more I type this out the more I realize. I think I’m done for today.
If you ended up reading through this whole thing, thank you, and I hope you’re having a wonderful night.