Is this normal/CPTSD related?

So I’ve (33F) struggled with depression, anxiety and an eating disorder ever since I can remember, which I only learned 3-4 years ago has been probably due to CPTSD. Lately I’ve been thinking over and over about some concerns I have and I thought somebody in here could maybe shed some light on them?:

1) I have been in a romantic relationship for the past year and a half. This has been my longest lasting relationship ever. I haven’t felt any “burning passion” or “butterflies” or whatever you want to call it at any point in the relationship. I do like him and love him, but I can’t help but wonder: is love really this overrated or am I just incapable of feeling those feelings? I also had a huge libido before meeting him (kinda used sex as a way to feel wanted), but it suddenly dropped when we started dating, which really confuses me.

2) Although I had been in therapy before (with several different therapists), it wasn’t until early 2021 that I found THE therapist who has been truly helping me. I do feel I have learned a lot since we started, however I keep seeing everywhere (social media posts from psychologists lol) that 2 years is what a therapy treatment should/does normally last (even for cptsd), and that after that the patient is generally ready to be “discharged”. I have now been close to 4 years seeing this therapist and I don’t think I’m nowhere near finished. Is 2 years something realistic? Am I being held up?

2)I’ve been having ADHD symptoms for 3-4 years now. It’s weird because I never had them before, but I’m constantly losing my train of thought, forgetting simple things, having a lot of difficulty focusing… My therapist asked me to make a list of the “symptoms” and even that it’s proven difficult. If I hadn’t been that different before, I’d think that it was a late diagnosis. Also of note: 4 years ago I was put on some medication that made me feel extremely slow mentally and have brain fog. I complained to my doctor and they finally dropped that medicine some months later. The brain fog lifted and I started not to feel as slow, but it’s like my mental capacity didn’t come back fully.

3) Lately (for months now but I wouldn’t know when it started) I feel SO emotional over anything, mostly fictional stuff. For example, I’m watching a show or a movie and any little things sets me off and I can’t help crying. It’s normally over somebody having a hard time, or over animals being helpless. It doesn’t even have to be a sad show/movie, I have cried over The Walking Dead, Harry Potter…, just so you get what I’m talking about. I never used to be like this, in fact I prided myself in not crying even with sad movies. I get that that was me being completely dissociated, but I feel like I’m at the complete opposite end now? Is this normal? Will this ever get regulated? Does this have to do with my cptsd?

I’m getting extremely emotional just from writing this. I feel like I can’t reach some powerful emotions like romantic passion, but at the same time other emotions take over me fully.

Also, my therapist has mentioned more than once that I became extremely unregulated ever since I started being in this relationship with my bf. She said it’s normal bc intimate relationships bring up issues from our primary close relationships (i.e: with our parents), which is what gave me cptsd in the first place, but at the same time we can’t seem to figure out how to regulate myself. Just to clarify, my relationship with my bf has never been abusive, we’ve always been very respectful of each other.

I know this is a difficult topic to comment about, I’m just looking for other people’s input and experiences.

TL,DR; can’t seem to access passionate feelings for romantic partner, but am extremely emotional over anything and everything; have ADHD symptoms but had never shown them before; been in therapy for 4 years now and wonder if too long