A toast to r/CPA

I started this journey last September, and it’s been the craziest ride of my life. I would not consider myself an honorable man if I didn’t give a lot of credit to passing to this subreddit. For context, I was an average student who completed half of my college career via Zoom from Covid. No one thinks of me and thinks of “smart,” that’s saved for other people. Looking back, it was probably ambitious to believe I would be sitting here with 4/4 passed, but here I am. To everyone out there in this Reddit, you’re all the real MVP. It took me 7 tries to pass all 4, including two separate 74s (thanks audit). Everyone in here is so supportive, and I am grateful for all the advice and encouragement I received from people in here. 2 quick notes - to the people who come in here and post “passed all 4 exams in 2 months while working 40 hours a week” congrats, but I still think you’re a nerd and will never be friends with you. To everyone else, especially those who may have failed today, tomorrow, or any other time - it is a dark feeling seeing the “failed, no credit,” and it’s easy to give up and say “F*** this,” but I absolutely promise you that the feeling I’m experiencing right now is as unworldly of a feeling as anything I’ve ever felt. Please keep going. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

It’s been real, see you all on the flip✌️