🚨Email/Call all House Members like right now! (Read description)

SB3 will almost certainly pass appropriations tomorrow (Tuesday 3/18) this hearing will not be open to the public. After it passes it can immediately go to the house floor for 2nd reading.

For backstory the recent gun show regulation bill only passed the house by 2 votes (9 democrats voted no), this bill was considered much less restrictive/crazy compared to SB3 by the House democrats. With that we must put the most pressure we have ever done on the house democrats. If the 9 democrats that voted NO on the gun show bill vote NO on SB3, we will only need 2 more votes to kill SB3. The time is now, like right now to email/call every House democrat. Get your friends and family not on Reddit to do the same. Tell these legislators they will loose their seats since majority of people here oppose this bill. We must also bring up the wasteful spending. Stay respectful and don’t do anything dumb that they could use against us.

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