Submit feedback request for warzone to Activision to bring back OG warzone
This is our chance, now or never before Verdansk is released. We should submit feedback on Activision support page for Warzone, to release Verdansk with OG warzone. There are thousands or millions of us, maybe thousands on reddit, maybe hundreds on this exact forum. Its not hard to login and submit feedback for request ASKING TO BRING OG WARZONE BACK TOGETHER WITH VERDANSK, ITS LEAST WE CAN DO TO SAVE THE GAME WE LOVE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!! They listened us with we wanting Verdansk back, they will listen to this too if we push hard enough!
DONT LET WARZONE DIE, WE DONT WANT BLACK OPS TO STAY! THE VERDANSK TRAILER has 14 million views, there are so many of us, we can't let warzone die!
Little treat :
treat 2 :