What is your weakness(es) currently in Warzone?
Just curious as to what may be holding you back in Warzone atm. Yes, cheaters are there and we all know it, but I’m interested in what you are working on to better yourself at the game. I started taking the game seriously about a year ago with friends and from square one I sucked. Like badly. Talk about discouraging when I couldn’t get a single kill in where my friends are dropping double digits almost effortlessly. I just hit my Pb on kills at 17 two days ago in the first match of the night and I was blown away at the realization of how far I had come in skill. I started working on movement and drop shotting in the beginning and noticed the biggest improvement there which brought me up to about five kills per match. As time went on I started working on game sense with the mini map in focus and started hitting double digits in my matches. I just about always have at least nine to ten kills per match at this point and I’m shooting for the big 20. Right now I would say that my biggest issues that I’m still working on is resetting instead of chasing the “thirst” and stressing in hellacious moments especially endgame because my heart starts pounding in that final circle especially if I don’t have high ground.
Edit: Pc player on controller. At 37 yo my hands hurt trying to use kbam. Stay young.