Dragons not fighting/influencing battles

(Repost since other post got taken down, this time with submod list)

Like the title states, the dragons in my game do not influence any battles. The dragon can be used in sieges but will not influence any battles, and there are no battle events featuring dragons.

On my previous post, I was told that "Better Battles" mighty influence this, so I removed it. Other suggestions were that scorpions can completely counter dragons, however none of the battles I have been fighting contained scorpions as far as my knowledge goes.

When dragons were added, I played Daemon to check the feature out, and Caraxes killed many soldiers and added plenty of advantage to the battle in my favour. After the previous post, I quickly loaded up a Daemon game to check if it worked, but nothing changed, and the dragon had absolutely no influence.

Another issue I have noticed was that my dragonrider knights also did not have their dragons, and their dragons were in my camp/capital, which was not the case for my dragons.





