[RELEASE] Build 0.3.10
Laughing Tree Loadscreen by Rottinghead
[Release] Build 0.3.10 // '"Why should I lose?" Dunk demanded... "It is not as if I faced the Laughing Storm.”'
- Laughing Storm Bookmark
- Playable First Ranger LAAMP
- Two new loading screens
- Egg of the Week
- Spoils of War game concept created
- Set Birthplace Interaction for custom characters
- Dynamic Blackfyre house formation
- Dornish Sabre added
- Dayne Prodigy story cycle
- New and updated portraits and portrait modifiers
- Laughing Tree Soundtrack
- Epidemics will be less likely to break through to isolated realms
- Hiking is not possible in urban terrains
- Septa court position aptitude adjustments
- Red Rain's description has been changed from longsword to bastard swords because Swordsman is a nerd
- Legitimate House balancing
- Stress icons enabled for AI characters
- Dragonstone Inheritance improvements so holders are still shown as rulers of Dragonstone at their death
- Improved marriage AI for female heirs of male heirs
- Spar will not spontaneously become independent in Rogue Prince Bookmark
- Rhaegar will not wind up permanently stuck in his armor in certain Duskendale paths
- Spoils of War will not reward non-vassals
- Admiral court position will not appear while unusable if your liege is eligible for an admiral
- Aerys will no longer be released if Denys wins the rescue war that Rhaegar is leading
- Aerys cannot be saved by Barristan after Denys reaches 100 war score
- If Maelys Targaryen chosen bride is betrothed when he wins his war, the betrothal will be broken properly
- Appoint podesta not available on free city vassals
- Granted free city titles will not become republics
- Blackfyre texture fixed
- Fix for people inappropriately changing their dynasty name when landed
- Localization fixes
Developer Diaries:
- Drawing a Celtigar Crab Because Why Not
- Dev Diary: Legitimate House Mechanic
- 2 (Kinda 3) New Armors Being Added
Official Submods:
- AGOT Micro (Steam | Nexus)
- Where's AGOT Small? (Investigation found that with further alterations, the performance improvements provided by Small could be incorporated directly into the main mod without loss in visual quality. As such, this has been done and the mod removed. For continued problems, try Micro right above!)