Younger Exam Taker Advice?

Hi All, looking for input. Any would be appreciated. Here’s some background -

I graduated college in December of last year. I was encouraged by a mentor to begin studying for my CFP while in college because I had the capacity for it with my class workload, and it would be good to knock it out while I’m in a “study mindset”.

I completed my coursework requirement, took a little over two months using Kaplan to review, took the board exam for the first time in March of this year and did not pass. It was TOUGH.

Fast forward to this summer and I have started working for a larger bank on a team of FA’s in a support role. I have already completed my SIE and will begin studying for the 7 as apart of a guided class inside of my company in December. I will tackle my 7 and then 66.

I would like to also retake my CFP Board exam in March of 2023 because I can utilize my Kaplan Pass-Protection for the review program. I’m just afraid that juggling work, the 7/66 (which we are provided time to study for during the workday), and the CFP will be too much. I don’t want my studying for one to take away from my capacity to succeed on the other.

As someone who has/is studying for their CFP, what do you think? Is it too much and should I wait to study for my CFP once I complete my FINRA requirements, or should I go ahead and tackle both at once?

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you and apologies for the long post!!

TL:DR: Looking for advice about balancing work, studying for 7/66, CFP Board Exam.