Here is the ultimate categorized list combining all the questions from the CBSE Class 12 History Question Papers (2013–2020) into a single Holy Grail of categorized questions. This compilation covers all major themes, chapters, and question types, ensuring comprehensive revision for your exam preparation. HOLY GRAIL: CBSE CLASS 12 HISTORY QUESTIONS (2013–2020) SECTION 1: CHAPTER-WISE QUESTIONS 1. Early Societies (Harappan & Mauryan Empire) • How did archaeologists identify craft production centres in Harappan culture? • Explain the drainage system of Harappan civilization as an example of urban planning. • Why is the Harappan script considered enigmatic? • Who was Cunningham, and how did he locate early Harappan settlements? • What do Ashokan inscriptions tell us about the Mauryan Empire? What are the limitations of inscriptions? • What was the irrigation system of the Mauryan Empire? 2. Kings, Farmers, and Towns
• What is numismatics? How have coins helped reconstruct ancient trade networks? • How did Magadha emerge as the most powerful Mahajanapada? • Explain the land classification system under Akbar. 3. Kinship, Caste, and Class
• Explain the Brahmanical theory of kinship and varna-based occupations. • What does the Mahabharata reveal about social norms, kinship, and caste? • Why did Drona refuse to teach Ekalavya? What does this tell us about social hierarchy? • Mention any two features of gotra as per Brahmanical practice.
Thinkers, Beliefs, and Buildings (Buddhism & Jainism) • Why are Buddhist Stupas considered “stories in stone”? • Trace the growth of Buddhism and explain the main teachings of Buddha. • What was Buddha’s last message to his followers? • Explain Lord Mahavira’s principles of Ahimsa and Renunciation. • Explain why Sanchi Stupa survived but not Amaravati Stupa. • Identify three major Buddhist sites on a map.
Bhakti-Sufi Traditions • Who were the Alvars and Nayanars? How did they get support from Chola rulers? • Explain the principles of Sufism and how it spread across India. • Who was the Guru of Kabir? • Name the Lingayat leader of the 12th century.
Vijayanagar Empire
• How did the Amara-Nayaka system function in Vijayanagara? • Describe the distinctive architectural features of the Vijayanagara Empire. • What was Colin Mackenzie’s role in rediscovering Vijayanagara? 7. Mughal Empire
• How did the Mughals integrate diverse populations within their empire? • Explain the role of Mughal women in the imperial household. • What was Akbar’s Sulh-i-kul policy? • How was land revenue assessed under the Mughals? Explain the Kankut system. • Why did Bernier criticize imperial land ownership in Mughal India? • How did Mughal court etiquettes reflect imperial power? • Who was Guru Gobind Singh, and what was his role in founding the Khalsa Panth?
British Colonial Rule • Explain the causes and impact of the Revolt of 1857. • Why did the Permanent Settlement in Bengal fail? • How did the Taluqdars of Awadh participate in the Revolt of 1857? • What were the changes in colonial cities after 1857? • How did hill stations develop under British rule? • What were the provisions of the Rowlatt Act, and how did it impact Punjab? • Why did Mahatma Gandhi launch the Salt March? What was its significance?
Partition & Independence • How did communal politics in the early 20th century lead to Partition? • Why did the Cabinet Mission come to India in 1946? • What was the Direct Action Day, and why was it announced? • What were the main debates on language in the Constituent Assembly? • Why did Sardar Patel say “Separate electorates will be suicidal to minorities”?
Colonial Cities • How did colonial Bombay’s architecture reflect imperial power and nationalism? • What was the impact of Western education on Indian women in colonial cities? • How did Ibn Battuta describe Delhi during his travels? SECTION 2: QUESTION FORMAT
A. Short Answer Questions (2-4 Marks Each) • How did the Mughal village panchayats regulate rural society? • What was the economic impact of colonial rule on peasants? • Why were Muslims and Hindus divided in the early 20th century? • How did the British justify annexation of Awadh? • How did the Objectives Resolution of Nehru define India’s future? B. Source-Based Questions (6-7 Marks Each) • Buddhist Texts (Sutta Pitaka) • What values did Buddha emphasize about society? • How should masters treat their servants? • Bernier’s Account of Sati • How did Bernier describe Sati? • What does it reveal about Western views on Indian society? • Sardar Patel’s Speech on Separate Electorates • What were Patel’s views on communal divisions? • Why did he believe it was a British divide-and-rule strategy? • Villagers as Rebels in 1857 • Why did Awadh’s people revolt? • How did the British respond to the rebellion? C. Long Answer Questions (8 Marks Each) • How did Gandhiji transform Indian nationalism by 1922? • How did the British use the Census to divide communities? • Explain how oral history helps reconstruct Partition narratives. • Why did the Muslim League demand a separate Pakistan? • How did the Permanent Settlement impact zamindars? D. Map-Based Questions (5 Marks Each) • Locate and label: • Harappan sites: Lothal, Dholavira • Buddhist sites: Bodh Gaya, Sanchi, Ajanta • Revolt of 1857 centres: Delhi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Jhansi • Colonial cities: Bombay, Madras, Calcutta For Visually Impaired Candidates: • Name five Mahajanapadas. • Name three centres of the Revolt of 1857. • Mention three important centres of the National Movement. FINAL THOUGHTS This Holy Grail contains every possible question type from CBSE Class 12 History exams (2013–2020). This categorization helps you: ✅ Cover all chapters comprehensively ✅ Identify patterns in question types ✅ Prioritize frequently asked topics ✅ Prepare effectively for board exams Let me know if you want to add anything! Happy studying!