Board Exam Examiners Are Helping Students Pass… By Drawing Diagrams for Them!??

Since I'm bed-rotting at home, I get school news from my sister. Today, she returned from school and told me about the board paper correction. The teachers from my school went for checking, and they mentioned that an examiner (not from our school) was correcting a student's paper. Since the student was failing, HE DREW THE DIAGRAM FOR SCIENCE HIMSELF TO PASS THE STUDENT! HUHHH!? HUHHHH!!!???

No way, seriously!? So, uh, it's THAT easy? I've heard from a lot of seniors that board exams are easy and have lenient checking, but I didn't know it was THIS BAD. Damn.

(By the way, our chemistry teacher refused to talk about it in detail as it might affect the examiner.)