My history teacher is just unbelievable...
Guys I have passed 9th and now moving to 10th. So I'm just venting here, ik my seniors in 10th 11th and 12th are suffering through bigger problems than me, but I'm just going to vent here. So yesterday was my Class 9th paper show at school, so I score decent marks in almost all SUBS, I have been a decent student until now. So yesterday, in Geography I scored 19/20 so I needed atleast 53/60 in History so that adds up and gets me atleast 72/80 which is equal to 90%. SOCIAL SCIENCE was one of my best exams that I wrote, I was expecting atleast 50+ out of 60. But when I got the paper it was 43½. I was completely frozen and shocked. Now our History teacher is a qualified person and is also the H.O.D of SOCIAL SCIENCE of our school, he also qualified some CIVIL SERVICES exam so every teacher and even higher authorities respect him. Though the respect teachers dont like him because of his attitude, like our assignments and tests are never checked by him on time, just for instance there was test which was taken on December 2024 and it was given to us yesterday that also half the copies checked only. He is mostly absent, last year he was absent whole October and November. Instead of teaching from NCERT, he just makes us write notes without even teaching the chapter that also from a guidebook. So yesterday when I got my exam paper by him, I was shocked by such low marks, because it was not even close to what I expected. Other people in my class who dont even have interest in History and dont study it much scored 49, 50, 51 because other examiners checked it. I went to him to get the copy rechecked, he refused saying that the copy is checked by him and he is confident that there are no mistakes by him. Then in some 5 marker questions though I wrote all the points, I went to get it rechecked, he said that it is not same to what he made us write in the notes and gave me 1 out of 5. In 3 markers I scored 0.5, and the worst of all my MAP which was attached to the answer sheet is just missing and not in the the answer sheet so 2 marks I lost without any reason. A simple case of mishandling. So I scored 62 out of 80, my whole percentage has been affected by this. Ik its not much of big deal if compared to my seniors of 10th 11th and 12th but I just wanted to vent...