Drop your expected marks 10thies
I'll start first
English- 95 (I got 5 wrong, full in Grammar, and not sure about my literature answers. Literature is quite subjective so one may give full marks to my answers while one may not. I wrote the story, poem, author, poet, keywords and underlined them in every answer, so hopefully I'll get full in my answers)
Sst-96 (got 4 mcqs wrong, other than that I think I might have cooked, but again it depends on the examiner. I've heard people say their sst exam went the best, but they got 80 something)
Science-98 (I got 2 mcqs wrong other than that I'm sure I got everything correct. I finished like an hour early so I revised multiple times so if I get anything less than 98 I'll be pissed fr)
Hindi B- 85+ (I've always scored around 60/80 throughout the year, but my paper went quite well. Alot my classmates weren't able to complete the paper on time, while I attempted everything. I don't expect anything too high but think I'll get 85+)
Math Standard: 91-93(do I have to explain?)
AI-90+ (I've always scored 40+ so I expect 90+ in boards)
Overall I expect 90%, not the best since 10th is supposed to be easy. I'll kill myself if I get less