What y'all gonna do after boards?
I know boards haven't ended yet for people having AI/IT and the same applies for me too. I just wanna give the AI paper and get independence and happiness for 2 months. I'll be joining the NEET rat race soon and also I'm choosing PCMB. So in the brief period of 2 months till the start of the 11th grade, what are you guys gonna do?
I'll start first. I'm gonna complete some novels I couldn't complete due to boards, play Minecraft with da homies after a whole year (yayyyy) and work on my skin and try to do some excersice or hit the gym. Also I'll sleep a lot (atleast 9hrs a day) coz I survived on 6-7 hours of sleep the whole year and I wanna feel like a kid again sleeping for 9-10 hours 🤙🏾 Also just roam around aimlessly around my gated community and do cycling a lot.
I'll be doing all this coz from what I've heard from the seniors, the next two years is gonna be really hectic and crucial for our future and career. So why not unwind a bit and make ourselves mentally prepared for jumping into the race?